Picking out abstract detail and translating it to silhouette and form....
The Plough and the Song, 1947 .
neck rouching/gathering of fabric
Abstraction with palette, 1927 one sleeved oversized top
Free, more expressive phase of Gorky's work as his life became less painful...
(The artist, who died by his own hand in 1948, witnessed the Armenian Genocide and came to America in 1920 with his younger sister after their mother died from starvation. Once in the U.S. Gorky took a new name and invented an identity for himself as an artist.)
(the brightness of these paintings do not show properly from these photographs. the vivid colours and expressive, almost childlike application is something i want to try and re create as i think it links in well with Hunter S Thompson's irratic and drug endused behaviour.) How My Mother's Embroidered Apron unfolds in My Life 1944
(memories of stories he would hear when burying his head in his mothers apron)
Love how this painting is so unique to Gorky and will no have the same memory or meaning to anyone else.
my favourite Gorky piece
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